Title I Information


DMS Mission Statement

The mission of Dillon Middle School is to involve all students, parents, faculty, and community in the promotion of lifelong learning, by providing a meaningful, innovative, differentiated educational experience, while requiring a respectful and safe learning environment focused on the well-being of each student, so that as productive members of society learners may achieve their maximum potential.

What is Title I?

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial assistance to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of educationally deprived, at-risk children.  The goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities to meet the needs of disadvantaged children identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging  performance standards.
The purpose of Title 1 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on state academic achievement standards.

Parent Involvement

Parent and Family Engagement is extremely important. A strong connection between parents, families, and the schools is a key element for student success. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school districts to all Title I funds to schools to support parent and family engagement. These funds are used for, but not limited, to workshops, trainings, and opportunities for active parent and family participation.

Components of a School-Wide Program

  • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of entire school.     
  •  Provide opportunities through school-wide reform strategies for all children to meet the standards.
  •  Provide instruction by a highly qualified staff.
  •  Conduct activities to involve parents.
  •  Provide transitional assistance from preschool to elementary, elementary to middle school, and from middle school to high school.
  •  Provide frequent and continuous data to help staff make decision to assist students.
  •  Ensure that students with learning difficulties receive additional assistance.
  •  Conduct professional development through the year. 

Parent Involvement Policy
2024-2025 Parent Involvement Policy (English)
2024-2025 Parent Involvement Policy (Spanish)

Student/Parent/School Compact
2024-2025 Compact (English)
2024-2025 Compact (Spanish)

Title I Project

Dillon School District Four's Title I Project is available for inspection by the public in the Dillon School District Four Office of Student Services at 1738 Hwy. 301 North, Dillon, SC 29536. Parents who may have questions, comments, or concerns about the Title I Project may contact Mrs. Amanda Hayes at 843-774-1200.
Dillon Middle School's Title I Project is available in the DMS main office. Questions or comments may be directed to Mrs. Kim Hyatt at 843-774-1212 or [email protected].Parents may make suggestions for the Title I Project at the welcome table during Parent Nights throughout the school year. 

Title I/III/IV/V/IX/SIC Planning Team for 2024-2025

Olivia Lara Jane Crawford
Stevie Grice Michelle Smith
Kim Hyatt John Bohachic
Felicia McCollum James McMillian
Crystal Ellison
Chessie Holcomb
Sara Alex Shirl Carter
Marcia Bethea

Parent Nights

Sponsored by Title I, parent nights are planned at Dillon Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. At each of these events information on Title I, academic content standards, testing, and reading programs are presented to parents in attendance. Student academic presentations, as well as band or chorus performances will be featured. Guest speakers will conduct presentations at some of the meetings. Additionally, parents may visit classrooms and speak with teachers.

Title I State Department Link 


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