LVHS Library
Librarian: Shanna Hunt
Librarian Assistant: Becca Cox
Library Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Library News:
Remember, you need an ID, pass, and a purpose when visiting the library!
No food or drinks allowed.
Students will be using the ReadNQuiz program this year to earn points for reading and show their comprehension. The readers with the most points will earn prizes. Books that have quizzes available are labeled in the media center with a blue dot sticker and the ReadNQuiz information.
Students can access ReadNQuiz here:
Placing a Hold on a Book
Students can place a hold a library book. Placing a hold on a book does not guarantee that the student will receive that book. If a student places a hold on a book, he/she must email Mrs. Hunt ( to let them know you want the book. You will be emailed when you can pick it up or it will be delivered to you in class.
Any fiction or non-fiction book in the library may be checked out for two week periods and may be renewed as needed unless there is a waiting list for the book. Students may check out three books. All materials checked out to a patron will become the responsibility of the patron in all circumstances.
The library has 32 computers available for use. Students must have an Acceptable Use policy (AUP) on file before accessing the internet. Patrons are asked to be conservative with printing.
Students and staff are reminded to comply with all copyright laws when preparing presentations, projects, or lessons. For more details concerning copyright, please click here.
South Carolina Book Award Program
Each year the Lake View High School Library Media Program advocates the reading of the South Carolina Book Award Nominees. Each student who reads three or more throughout the year has the opportunity to vote for his favorite in February and receives an award at the annual awards ceremony in May. Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to read from the Young Adult list, while students in grades 6-8 may find the Junior Book Award titles more enjoyable.