
                               Student Records
If you are in need of your school records for any reason, please read all of the instructions below.

Transcript/School Records Request:
Please visit the school you attended to obtain your transcript.
Transcript Request Form

Visit one of the locations below:
Dillon High School

1730 Highway 301 North
Dillon, SC 29536

Lake View High School

401 East Third Ave.
Lake View, SC 29563

The Dillon School District Four Technology Office, located at 301 Stafford Court, Dillon, SC 29536, stores many years of inactive student records for individuals who attended in Dillon School District Four.
Student Records May Be Requested/Telephone Number:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Telephone Number: (843) 841-3604


Additional Information:
(Please read before submitting a request to avoid delays with processing)

Processing Time:
Allow a minimum of five (5) to ten (10) business days to process your request. The processing time may be shorter or longer depending on the volume of requests.

Recent Graduates/Attendees:
If you graduated or withdrew from school when the last two (2) to five (5) years, check with the last school to see if your records are still available from there before submitting a request to the Technology Department. The Technology Department stores older, inactive records but these dates vary per school.

Adult Education Graduates:
Complete a Transcript Request Form and contact Adult Education at 843-774-1218 or mail to Adult and Continuing Education, 301 Stafford Court, Suite A, Dillon, SC 29536.

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