Media Center

Welcome to the Gordon Elementary Library Media Center!
Library Hours:  7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Bernice Mirro - Library Media Specialist
Erin Adams - Library Media Assistant

Statement of Basic Principles for School Library Media Centers


To provide a school library media program that is fully integrated into the curriculum and that has a positive impact on student achievement.


Statement of Basic Principles

These basic principles provide the foundation for student achievement and lifelong learning:

  • We believe that literacy is essential to the success of the individual, the family and society.
  • We believe that access to information and ideas is indispensable to the development of human potential.
  • We believe that information and ideas strengthen society and should be honored and protected.
  • We believe that student achievement if the ultimate goal.

Any fiction or nonfiction book in the Gordon Media Center may be checked out for two week periods and may be renewed as needed unless there is a waiting list for the book.  Students may check out two books.  All materials checked out to a patron is the responsibility of the patron in all circumstances.
We have 16 computers available for individual or group use in the Library Media Center.  Students must have an Acceptable Use Policy (APU) form and a Children's Online Protection Act (COPA) form on file before accessing the Internet.

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the ReadnQuiz Program.  Students can earn points for prizes and to test their comprehension of books that they have read.

South Carolina Book Award Program
Each year Gordon Elementary School Library encourages students to participate in the reading of the South Carolina Children's Book Award Nominees.  Students who read three or more of the books through the year have the opportunity to vote for their favorite in February. A list of the books can be found on 2022-23 SC Book Award Nominees Flyer.pdf

Destiny Card Catalog