Lake View High School
6th - 8th Grade Supply List
6th Grade
Math - (2) Marble notebooks - one per semester, paper, pencils, and blue pocket folder
ELA - 1 inch binder, divider tabs, pencils, and green pocket folder
Science - paper, pencils, and yellow prong pocket folder
Social Studies - 1/2 inch binder, divider tabs, highlighters, pencils, paper, and green pocket folder
Computer/Keyboarding - Composition notebook, pencils, and pens
7th Grade
Math - 1 inch binder, paper, and pencils
ELA - 1 inch or 1-1/2 inch 3 ring binder, 5 subject divider tabs, loose-leaf paper, pencils, 2 pocket folder to fit in your binder, and 1 subject spiral notebook (70 sheets)
Science - paper, #2 pencils, highlighter, 1 inch binder, and 3 subject dividers
Social Studies - 1 inch or 1-1/2 inch 3 ring binder, divider tabs, highlighters, pencils, and paper
Computer/Keyboarding - Graphing composition notebook, ruler, Ticonderoga pencils, and erasable colored pencils
8th Grade
Math - 3 ring binder, paper, pencils, and 120+ page notebook
ELA - 1 inch binder, divider tabs, and pencils
Science - paper, pencils, and 1 inch binder
Social Studies - 3 ring binder, divider tabs, highlighters, pencils, colored pencils, paper, 2 packs of college ruled paper, 1 notebook, and blue and yellow folders
Computer/Keyboarding - folder, pencils, and pens
9th - 12th Grade Supply List
S. Evans - 1 inch binder, tab dividers, college ruled paper, index cards, pens, pencils, highlighter, and colored pencils
K. Floyd - 1 Marble composition notebook, loose-leaf paper, 1 inch to 2 inch binder, pencil pouch, 1 pack of 4x6 index cards, black/blue pens, and #2 pencils
J. Rocha - notebook paper, pencils, and pens
J. Ceasar - 1 inch to 2 inch binder, divider tabs, notebook paper, red pen, graphing paper, pencils, and colored pencils
D. Williams - 3 ring binder, tab dividers, 1 pack of red, blue and black pens, and notebook paper
W. Daniels - 3 ring binder, pencils, and pens
B. Alford - 2 Marble composition notebooks, college ruled notebook paper, 2 rolls of transparent tape, pencils, colored pencils, metric ruler, highlighter, and 1 pack of sheet protectors
A. Lucius - loose-leaf paper, 1/2 size Marble composition notebook, pens, and pencils
T. Cannon - 2 inch 3 ring binder, blue/black pens, highlighters, notebook paper, pack of 10 tab dividers, 1 pack of copy paper
R. McKoy-Cummings - 1-1/2 inch to 2 inch 3 ring binder, 2 packs of notebook paper, dividers