The District Issued Mobile Device is District property. All users will follow these guidelines.
General Precautions
● Never leave your District Issued Mobile Device in any non-secure location, such as a car, or any other unsupervised area where theft can occur.
● It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her District Issued Mobile Device stored in a safe, secure, temperature appropriate space if the device has to be taken home.
● Carefully insert cords and cables into the Mobile Device to prevent damage.
Carrying District Issued Mobile Device
● The District places a protective case around the screen and these may not be removed. The District also provides a protective case for District Issued Mobile Devices. These cases have sufficient padding for typical use. The device must be in an issued case and must be used at all times to protect the device.
● Cases should not hold other objects. Folders, workbooks, etc. should be kept in a book bag or carried separately to avoid placing excessive pressure and weight on the Mobile Device screen.
Screen Care
● Screen damage will occur when pressure is applied to the screen. Users must avoid leaning on the top of the device, closing any items inside the device, or placing objects in a book bag (or protective case) in a way that it applies pressure to the screen.
● Use only a clean, soft cloth to clean the screen. Do not use cleansers or liquids of any type unless directed by the District.
● Do not bump the District Issued Mobile Device against walls, car doors, floors, etc., as it will crack and break the screen.
● Screens that are hinged should not be forced open to the point of breaking the hinge.