Device Usage Rules & Agreements


1. The District Issued Mobile Device is the property of Dillon School District Four and is maintained by the District Technology Department. Use of this device is a privilege and violation of any of these rules could result in loss of computer and/or Internet use and/or other disciplinary action.
2. Students will care for the District Issued Mobile Device as an appropriate and valuable educational tool. Students will not write on or attach stickers to this device. Students will not cause damage to the school computers/devices, the computer network or other school equipment.
3. Students will use the District Issued Mobile Device for educational purposes only. Students will not use the District Issued Mobile Device for online games or other off-task activities.
4. Students will respect and abide by the District Internet filter system. Accessing inappropriate Internet sites and content is strictly forbidden.
5. Students will not attempt to bypass or circumvent District filters by using personal hotspots, VPNs, or other methods on the District Issued Mobile Devices.
6. Students will utilize the District adopted software and resources.
7. Students will practice appropriate and ethical use of technology and obey all copyright laws. Students will not copy work, plagiarize documents, or use materials (text, photos, videos, etc.) without citing sources for all materials.
8. Students will practice Internet safety. Students will not give out any personal information such as name, address, telephone number, or the school name and location. Students will not take part in an interactive web project, chat room, or social networking site without their teacher's direct supervision.
9. Students will use the District Issued Mobile Device to create and publish original work. Students are responsible for the content of all files and materials on the mobile device.
10. Students will use the network to research, create and collaborate. Students will not use the computer or network to insult, bully, or otherwise harass others.
11. Students will alert their teacher immediately if they encounter any inappropriate material on the device. Students will not create, access, display, distribute or download offensive (bad) messages, images or materials.
12. Students will organize and maintain files on the computer and server and protect these files by keeping usernames and passwords private. Students will not share passwords or attempt to login using credentials or passwords that are not their own.
13. Students are responsible for all assignments, even if the District Issued Mobile Device is unavailable or access privileges have been suspended. Teachers will provide non-digital options to assignments as needed.

By choosing to receive a District Issued Mobile Device, parent and student have agreed to the following:

● I agree to pay Ten Dollars and NO/100 ($10.00) per year for the use of the District Issued Mobile Device.
● I agree to pay the school/District cost to repair or replace the device or accessories if the item becomes lost, misused, abused or multiple accidental damages occur whether the damage(s) happens at school or at home.
● I agree to follow all Dillon School District Four mobile device usage rules as stated in the District Tablet Procedures Guide and the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
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