Digital Citizenship


Digital Citizenship is a concept that helps students understand how to use technology appropriately in a society full of technology. Dillon School District Four has electronic precautions in place in order for students to participate safely and securely in this environment and enjoy the rights of a digital world in an educational setting. The District expects students to use technology appropriately and responsibly.

District Responsibilities
Dillon School District Four will provide Internet access and a secure email system to students. School staff will help students conduct research and ensure student compliance with the District’s Acceptable Use Policy. The District and school will comply with both federal and state laws regarding student internet use, such as FERPA, CIPA, and COPPA.

Filtering/blocking of inappropriate internet materials is done at school and at home while using the District device.

Dillon School District Four reserves the right to investigate any inappropriate use of resources and to review, monitor and restrict information stored on or transmitted via Dillon School District Four-owned equipment and resources.

Staff may randomly select students and ask them to provide their mobile device for inspection.

Network Connectivity
Dillon School District Four makes no assurance that the network will be operational at all times. In the rare instance that the network may not be operational, the District will make every effort to ensure the network is functioning in a timely manner.

Student devices are configured to automatically connect to the District network and should remain on that designated network while on any District campus. The use of hotspots or VPNs to bypass District network filters are prohibited.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Talk to your child(ren) about the values and standards you expect them to follow as they use the Internet, just as you talk to them about their use of all other media information sources such as television, telephone, movies, radio, etc. Parents are encouraged to monitor student activity at home, especially Internet access. District issued devices do not contain content filters and are dependent on the filters of the home or public internet connection.

Student Responsibilities for Digital Citizenship
Students will abide by the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and:
● contact an administrator about any security issue they encounter.
● monitor all activity on their personal account(s).
● always shut down and secure their mobile device after use to protect their work and information.
● report email containing inappropriate or abusive language or questionable subject matter to a teacher or administrator at school.

At a teacher’s discretion, student work may be uploaded to the Internet. The student owns the copyright to his/her original work(s).
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