Health Services



Because the ability to learn is directly related to the status of a student’s health, Dillon School District Four offers a variety of health services in accordance with state recommendations, federal guidelines, and determination of need. Preventive health, health education, and identification of health–related learning barriers are key components of the school health program.


When Your Child Is Sick Information

No Shots-No School!

Dillon School District Four complies with the requirements of all South Carolina Immunization laws. In order to be eligible to attend school, students must present a completed certificate of immunization.

Health Screenings

Early identification and remediation of health problems is the goal of the school screening program. More than half of all students receive health screenings in one or more categories including vision, hearing, dental, blood pressure, and others as needed. Follow-up services are provided for students with identified problems and families are linked to appropriate community resources. Screenings are provided according to State recommended grade levels and by requests from teachers, parents, and students.

Emergency Care and Health Room Visits

Sustained or improved school attendance is the goal of the health services program.

Students receive health assessments, nursing care, special procedures, and first aid, as needed, for known or suspected illnesses, injuries, and communicable diseases. Preventive health education is provided during these contacts to encourage regular school attendance. Referrals and follow-up services are also provided.

Special Health Needs/Chronic Illnesses

The goal of Dillon School District Four School Health Services is to eliminate barriers imposed by illness to enable all students to receive optimum benefit from the educational experience. Because of the district’s provision for health services, many students with special health needs are able to participate fully in school activities. Special health services include nursing procedures and medication management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and sickle cell anemia. Physician consultations, parent conferences, and staff training are integral components in the care of these students. The district's medication policy allows students to receive assistance for safe administration of prescription and non-prescription medications as needed during school hours.

Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases are the leading cause of childhood illness and school absence. Students and staff with communicable diseases that can be transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another require special consideration in the school setting. Dillon School District Four has policies to address preventive measures to protect the health of students and staff, procedures for immediate care for individuals who develop a potentially communicable illness, and a process for protecting individual rights and confidentiality of health records and information. The district follows the regulations of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control for reporting communicable diseases and excludes students and employees from school according to the SCDHEC Official List of Conditions Requiring Exclusion from Schools.

Vaccine Program

Employees of Dillon School District Four receive annual instruction in the transmission and prevention of communicable diseases. Many participate in the district’s vaccine program and receive onsite immunizations against Influenza and Hepatitis B.

Comprehensive Health Education

The goal of the school health program is to enable all students to make informed decisions in order to achieve optimum health and fitness. Students learn about personal, environmental, and consumer health through a variety of programs. The Dillon School District Four Comprehensive Health Education Advisory Committee meets throughout the year to review reproductive health instruction for grades 5-12 and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for improved programs and materials. Parents are invited to preview the "Worth the Wait" reproductive health curriculum.

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