Grades and Attendance: View grades and attendance totals up to this point, for this school year.
Grades History: View all PREVIOUS TERMS' grades for this school year.
Attendance History: View attendance details for this school year.
Email Notification: Sign up for automatic email notifications from PowerSchool
Teacher Comments: View all CURRENT TERM teacher comments.
School Bulletin: View school bulletin/announcements that may be posted.
My Calendar: Allows you to subscribe to three different types of calendars Requires a software program to be installed on your home computer see these directions: How to use My Calendars in PowerSchool
Demographic Update: Displays the information at your child’s school. You may update phone information here. If any other information needs to be updated, please contact your child’s school.
Honor Roll: Will display honor roll listing if records are found for this student.
Access Log: Parent/Student Access Summary for PowerSchool.
School Information: Basic information such as School Address, Phone, Fax, Principal, Assistant Principal, Attendance Secretary, & Registrar’s Email.
Student Assignments: Viewing Student Assignment List
Grades Overview for Related Students (Allows a parent or guardian to see current grades (grades from the teacher gradebook) for other students related to the logged in student account).
FEES: Viewing Fees in the PowerSchool Parent Portal
IGP (Individual Graduation Plan): Viewing IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) for Students in Grades 8-12