District Issued Mobile Device Damage or Loss


As with any piece of school property checked out to students, the students and their families are responsible for their assigned District Issued Mobile Device. Situations that result in a District Issued Mobile Device being damaged, destroyed, or stolen will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Terms of the District Issued Mobile Device Agreement
Terms and conditions that apply to the usage of the District Issued Mobile Device are as follows:
● The District will cover parts and repairs for system-related issues or malfunctions of the device.
● The District will cover parts and repairs for ONE accidental damage, such as cracked screens, liquid damage, cosmetic damage, etc. each academic calendar year (August 1- July 31).
● The District will not cover the cost of damage/loss of a District Issued Mobile Device if the $10.00 insurance fee has not been paid or the contract has not been signed.
● The District will not cover the costs due to the loss/damage of chargers, sleeves, shields, bags, etc. The $10.00 insurance fee does cover this type of loss/damage.
● The District will not cover intentional damage or damage due to negligence or loss.
● The District will not cover theft without a police report that clearly shows forced entry into a secured- location.

Lost/Stolen Devices
● If a District Issued Mobile Device is lost, please report to school designated location to see if it has been recovered.
● If a District Issued Mobile Device is recovered, please turn the device in to the school’s designated location.
A lost District Issued Mobile Device must be reported within 48 hours to the designated school person. The District will try to assist the student in locating the device; however, loss is NOT covered by the District. If the device is not recovered, parents/guardians will be responsible for the replacement cost of the device.

A stolen District Issued Mobile Device must be reported within 48 hours to the designated school person and the appropriate Police Department in your area. A police report is required and must clearly indicate forced entry into a secured location. Obtaining the report and submitting it to the designated school person is the responsibility of the student and/or parent.

Devices left unattended in an unsecured location cannot be considered stolen; they will be treated as lost devices.

Damaged Devices
● The District will cover parts and repairs for ONE accidental damage per school year (August 1 - July 31) on the District Issued Mobile Device only. All other parts will be a separate charge. Additional damages are the responsibility of the parent/student.
● Students should not attempt to repair or take the District Issued Mobile Device to an outside repair source. Doing so could invalidate the warranty and the student will be responsible for the damage. Please take the District Issued Mobile Device to the designated school person.
● If a District Issued Mobile Device needs to be worked on, based upon availability, a replacement device will be provided.
● Malfunctioning or damaged District Issued Mobile Devices must be reported to the designated school person in a timely manner. Dillon School District Four will be responsible for repairing District Issued Mobile Devices that malfunction.
● If a District Issued Mobile Device or any other peripheral is lost, full price will be charged.

User Misuse and Abuse Costs
If device is misused or abused, the parent/student is responsible for the cost of repair. The repair costs are listed below:
Tablet (Entire Device) $320.00
Tablet Parts
LCD Panel (ex. Cracked Screen) $202.00
System Board $118.00
Webcam $ 13.00
Keyboard and Palm Rest $ 57.00
Touchpad $ 19.00
Top Case (Includes WiFi Antenna) $ 24.00
Bottom Case $ 16.00
Case $ 15.00
Battery $ 9.00
DC Power Port $ 24.00
USB (Right Side USB Only) $ 20.00
Hinge $ 31.00
Tablet Peripherals
Protective Cover $ 25.00
AC Adapter $ 28.00
Protective Sleeve $ 14.50
Barcode Label $ 2.00
Writing on Tablet $ 15.00
Painting the Keyboard $57.00

Repair costs for the District Issued Mobile Device due to deliberate damage or neglect may include, but are not limited to:

● Broken Screen
● Top Case/Keyboard
● Screen Bezel
● AC Adapter with power cord
● Case

Note: Repair costs shall not exceed the full replacement price of the device.

Legal title to the property is with the District and shall, at all times, remain with the District. The right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned on full and complete compliance with the District Tablet Procedures Guide and Acceptable Use Policy.

Dillon School District Four reserves the right to repossess or demand return of any District Issued Mobile Device for failure to comply with all terms of the District Issued Mobile Device Guide and/or the Acceptable Use Agreement.

The District Tablet Procedures Guide and Acceptable Use Policy will be renewed each school year.
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